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Terms and Conditions:



Please read the instructions carefully. After your reservation that means you have read and agreed to be bounded by the below terms and conditions.


1. 網上完成報名後,系統會自動發出確認電郵。如在註明的時限內沒有於收件箱或垃圾郵件箱中收到郵件,請即時透過Instagram聯繫。

1. After the reservation, a confirmation email will be sent to your inbox or mail bin. If you do not receive any email, please contact us on Instagram immediately.


2. 是次表演設有人數限制,部份隊伍位置先到先得,部份隊伍會進行遴選。

2. The showcase teams have a limit on the number of student,  some teams will request for an audition.

3. 必須在預訂/被選中後5天內全額付款。如學生未能於5天內全額付款,位置可能會被取消; 如希望繼續參與,學生需要繳交$100額外費用;如希望取消參與,已繳付之費用一律不作退還。

3. The full payment MUST be made within 5 days after the reservation. If students fail to make the full payment within 5 days, the application might be cancelled and will not be refunded. Or student may hand in extra $100 to continue your application if they pay later than 18 NOV 2024.  

4. 付款後轉其他隊伍,將會收取 $200手續費。
4. $200 handling fee will be charged if you would like to switch to other team

5. 我們接受以下付款方式:

5. We accept the following payment methods:

1) 恒生銀行匯款 Hang Seng Bank Transfer
Bank: Hang Seng Bank

2) FPS 轉數快 ID: 169001823

3) Tag & Go (Pay In Person)

4) Octopus (Pay In Person)

*如網上/ ATM轉帳支付,請以電郵或Instagram傳送證明,提供支付費用之銀行戶口持有人名稱。
*Bank-in receipt, online record or screenshot must be provided if you pay by FPS/ATM transfer & please provide Bank Account Holder Name.

6. 必須上載網上付款記錄或截圖之證明,證明上必須清楚顯示銀行戶口號碼以及持有人名稱。

6. Bank-in receipt, online record or screenshot must be provided, Bank Account Number & Bank Account Holder Name should be CLEARLY shown on your receipt.

7. 如閣下為全日制學生,必須上載學生證件 (清楚顯示姓名,有效年期) 方可享有學生優惠。

7. If you are FULL-TIME STUDENT, please upload your student ID (your name and valid date must show clearly) to get our student discount.

8. 請填妥確認電郵中的雲端表格, 並上載付款記錄 & 全日制學生證。

8. Please find & fill in the Google Form in the confirmation email and upload the payment record & full-time student ID.

9.  演出套票包含最少8次排練,套票只可上指定隊伍老師之課堂。

9. Show package include at least 8 practices ; package can only be used in the assigned teacher's lesson.

10. 每隊均會要求額外排練, 詳情請向各隊老師查詢。

10. Extra practices will be required, please pay attention to our website or ask your tutor.

11. 學生出席率需達到 8成或以上 及 得到老師同意,才能參與表演。

11. An 80% attendance rate in classes and teacher approval are required for showcase.

12. 演出套票只適用於演出相關課堂。

12. Show package can only be used on show-related classes.


13. 演出套票並不包括表演服飾費用。

13. Costume fee will not be included in the show package.


14. 任何情況下,已繳付之費用一律不作退還。

14. Under any circumstances, payment will not be refunded.

15. 演出套票不可轉讓、共享或退還。

15. Showcase packages are neither transferable, shareable nor refundable.

16. 如於上課當天懸掛八號或以上風球或黑色暴雨警告訊號,舞室將會暫停開放。如於上課前兩小時,所有颱風或暴雨警告訊號除下,課堂會如常進行。如黑色暴雨或八號颱風於課堂時段中懸掛,課堂亦會如常進行。

16. If typhoon signal No. 8 or above or black rainstorm warning signal is hoisted on the day of class, studio will be temporarily closed. If all typhoon or rainstorm warning signals are cancelled 2 hours before class, class will remain normal. If a black rainstorm or Typhoon No. 8 is hoisted during class, class will continue as usual.


17. If the event needs to be rescheduled due to any uncontrollable factors, our company will arrange a new performance date as soon as possible. Students may choose not to participate, but all payments will be non-refundable.


18.The reservation fee and all other registration costs do not include audience tickets. If needed, please purchase them separately. Tickets will be available for sale in January 2025.

19. BEDREX保留一切安排的最終決定權。

19. BEDREX reserves the right of final decision on all arrangements.

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